West Stormont Historical Society promotes and encourages the study of local history in this part of rural Perthshire.
Our work may be of interest if you have kith, kin or connections in or around Airntully, Bankfoot, Chapelhill, Luncarty, Moneydie, Murthly, Pitcairngreen, Redgorton, Stanley, and Waterloo.
Over the decades, Society members have carried out considerable research into the people, places, industry, events and social developments formative in the creation of the area's essential historical character. Historical records and photographs have been collected, archaeological sites explored and recorded, local houses and buildings surveyed, and biographies of local personalities researched and published.
Our work is ongoing.
We also produce an e-magazine, West Stormont's Auld Times, several times a year.
Copies can be found in the Library.
Memorial Inscriptions
Society members have beavered away for years transcribing memorial inscriptions for the following graveyards: Auchtergaven, Chapelhill & Logiealmond, Kinclaven, Kirkhill, Logiebride, Moneydie, Pitcairn & St Serfs, and Redgorton. Individual booklets are available as PDFs in the Library. Look in the Memorial Inscriptions sub-folder.